Tuesday 26 October 2010

The beginning... SOLD

Every time I go into my garage at the moment I can't.

It's full, so it's time to empty it. There are tools, car parts, three unused motorcycles and a classic(ish) mini which has sat there for nearly ten years. It even starts outside the front of the garage with a trailer tent which was going to be sold this summer.

So this blog is starting up as a sort of postcard in the newsagents window to get rid of it all. Most will be for sale, but as I dig through the detritus there may be some, like the hinges where I bought twenty because they were cheaper than the eight or so that I needed, will just go to a good home if you need them after all the extras were cheaper than free.

Other things will be returned to their rightful owners, thanks for the loan and sorry it's fossilised/turned to peat.

Yet others I will be keeping as I still need/use them but as this is also a blog a description and pictures may appear.

You never know, I certainly don't.

And the hedgehog? I found him under one of the motorcycles this summer and he was promptly released to somewhere he could eat something more nutritious than my detritus, so he won't be for sale.

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